MACP Vs Time bound Promotion of Offrs

What is MACP ?

A direct recruited Sep, Hav or JCO will be entitled to min three financial upgradations after 8, 16 and 24 years of service. In civil side MACP is applicable after 10, 20 and 30 years.  At the time of each financial upgradation under MACP, the JCO/OR would get an addl increment and next higher Pay in the hierarchy. MACP is applicable 01.09.2008.  Earlier ACP was introduced which was applicable to Armed Forces personnel for 10, 20 and 30 years. The following MACP would be entitled to JCOs/OR recruited under direct entry:-

MACP for Sepoy & Equivalent  ( 7th CPC Pay Level-3)

Entitled to first financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Naik/equivalent on (Lvel-4) completion of 8 years of service.

Second financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Hav/Sgt/PO (Level 5) on completion of 16 years of service.

Third financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Nb Sub (Level-6) on completion of 24 years of service.

MACP for Direct Entry Hav / Sgt/PO (Level 5)

A direct entry Hav/Sgt/PO  would be entitled to first financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Nb Sub/equivalent (Level-6)  on completion of 8 years of service.

Second financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Sub (Level 7) on completion of 16 years of service.

Third financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Sub Maj (Level -8) on completion of 24 years service.

A Direct Entry JCO will be entitled to first financial upgrdation in Level 7 to the rank of Subedar on completion of 8 years of service, second financial upgradation in Level 8 to the rank of Subedar Major on completion of 16 years of service and third financial upgradaion in Level 9 on completion of 24 years of service. This is subject to the condition that the third financial upgradation does not take them beyond the age of superannuation for JCOs in terms of maximum period of service allowed and age of retirement / release.

Illustration of MACP applicable to NCOs and JCOs

RankPay LevelGranted
Promotion/ MACP
ServiceTotal ServiceRemarks
SepPay Level-3Promoted to Nk (Pay Level-4)5 Years5 Years 
NkPay Level-4# MACP-2 (Hav) (Pay Level-5)8 Years13 Years# If not promoted
to Hav in 8 years
HavPay Level-5$ MACP-3 (Nb Sub) (Pay Level-6)8 Years18 Years$ If not promoted to Nb Sub in 8 years

Why officers are not entitled MACP

After introduction and implementation of AV Singh Committee Report, all Commissioned officers are entitled to get get Time Bound 4 Promotions :-

The Secod Lt Rank already abolished and directly comissioned to Lt Rank
After completion of 3 Years of Commissioned Service – Captain
After completion of 6 Years of Commissioned Service – Major
After completion of 13 Years of Commissioned Service – Lt Col
Officers are selected for promotion to Col Rank after 15 years of commissioned service. Otherwise, on completion of 26 Years of service, Col(TS) rank promotion is feasible.

So, it is confirmed that within 13 years of service an officer may get 3 promotion (not ugradation) whereas in case of PBOR no such timescale /time bound promotion system is there. 4 Promoton is gurranteed wthin 26 Years of service. In case of PBOR 3 upgrdation only available, if promoted to Hav rank, otherwise only 2 in maximum cases.

The Ajay Vikram Singh Committee was constituted to make recommendation for restructuring of the officers’ cadre of the Army. With a view to reduce the age profile and supersession levels, and also to improve the vertical mobility in the Army, time scale
promotion up to the rank of Colonel in the Army was approved on the basis of the recommendations of the Ajay Vikram Singh
Committee. Similar benefits of time scale promotion up to the rank of Captain in Indian Navy and up to the rank of Group Captain in
Air Force were also approved

After implementation of Ajay Vikram Singh Committee-1 (AVSC-1) recommendations, promotions till Lieutenant Colonel are by Time Scale. All
officers of a particular batch are considered together with same cut-off Annual Confidential Reports (ACRs) and on the basis of the inputs, individual profile of the officer, and the comparative merit in the Batch, they are approved/ not approved. Seniority, in itself, has no consideration before the Selection Board for approval or dis-approval. In case any officer gets any relief through statutory or non-statutory complaint(s) etc. with regard to any Confidential Report (CR) after the Section Board has been held, he is entitled to a special corresponding
consideration by the Selection Board with his changed profile. Thus, in case he is approved by such special consideration, his original seniority remains protected. As per the policy, each officer is entitled to only three considerations for promotion to the selection ranks i.e. Fresh Consideration, First Review and the Final Review. In case an officer is not approved as a Fresh Consideration case, but approved as a First Review case or the Final Review case, he loses seniority accordingly vis-a-vis his original batch-mates. After three considerations, if an officer is not approved, he is deemed to be finally superseded.

AVSC-II Recommendation and Approval

According to PIB relese of 2008 on AVSC-II, in a major step to improve career mobility, to fulfil aspirations and to achieve combat effectiveness by bringing down age profile of commanding officers, the Union Cabinet today approved the Ministry of Defence’s proposal for effecting upgradation of 1896 posts in the Services.

Popularly known as Phase-II of the Ajay Vikram Singh Committee Report, the proposals approved today would result in reduction in stagnation. The Defence Minister Shri A K Antony had taken a personal interest in the implementation of the proposal and played a crucial role in evolving a consensus among the Services. The measures taken today will also lead to progressive promotion of junior batches without adversely affecting promotional aspects of senior batches, thereby reducing the age profile of officers in select ranks.

The upgradation will be carried out in the Army over a period of five years, in the Navy over the next ten years and in the Air Force over a period of five years. The total number of posts to be upgraded will be 1051 in the Army, 342 in the Navy and 503 in the Air Force. Of the 1051 posts in the Army, 20 are at the level of Lieutenant General and equivalent, 75 at Major General and equivalent, 222 at Brigadier and equivalent, and 734 at Colonel and equivalent. The corresponding figures in the Navy will be 4 at Vice Admiral and equivalent, 14 at Rear Admiral and equivalent, 324 at Commodore, Captain and equivalent. In the Air Force upgradation will be effected for 6 post at Air Marshal and equivalent, 21 at Air Vice Marshal and equivalent, 61 at Air Commodore and equivalent, 415 at Group Captain and equivalent.

The Cabinet also approved the proposal for the reduction in the regular cadre and corresponding increase in the support cadre consisting of Short Service Commissioned Officers and re-employed officers (for Army) as envisaged in the Ajay Vikram Singh Committee (AVSC) Report and as per requirement of the three Services irrespective of gender.

It may be recalled that the Ministry of Defence had set up a Committee on 16th July, 2001, under the Chairmanship of Shri Ajay Vikram Singh, the then Special Secretary with representatives of the three Services with an aim to achieve ‘combat effectiveness’ by bringing down the age profile of battalion / brigade level commanders. The Committee submitted its report on February 2003 and the Raksha Mantri accorded in principle approval to the report in September 2003. AVSC Phase-I in respect of non-select ranks i.e. Lieutenant Colonel and equivalent and below was implemented in December 2004.

So, Govt is too conscious about the career and aspiration of Commissioned Officers, whereas, no such initiative found in case of PBOR. So, we may expect that, if it is demanded through proper forum, Govt may approve time scale 4 promotion for PBOR also at the same line of Offrs. If we consider the timescale promotion of officers, PBOR should also get their career advancement to keep aspiration and make a highly motivaed Defence Forces as suggesed by some veterans as below :

The Sepoy Rank should be abolished and directly tobe Attested to Nk Rank (Level -4).

After completion of 5 Years of Service – Hav (Level-5)
After completion of 10 Years Service – Nb Sub (Level -6)
After completion of 15 Years of Service – Sub (Level -7)
Sub Maj promotion should be based on selection after 15 years of commissioned service. Otherwise, on completion of 26 Years of service, Sub Maj (TS) rank promotion should be feasible. (Level-8)

Considering misuse of trained workforce, It has also been suggested by veterans that, in Technical Forces, recruitment of NCE should be introduced for General Duty i.e Ration collection, Clening of Unit area, Helper of Officers Wives , Offcers Mess management/ helpings staff, Unit daily non combat event operation etc.

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