AGIF Extended Insurance Benefit for Exservicemen

agif insurance

At the time of retirement, you must have got an extended insurance benefit from AGIF. But do you know what is your condition, what are the terms, what is your premium deducted at the time of retirement? 

You had to pay an amount of around Rs. 30,000, whatever was the rate at the time of retirement. You had to pay an amount under which you have got an extended insurance. And how many years is the coverage of this insurance? How long it is valid ? And when this period ends, will you get the amount back? Your sum assured may be 1 lakh, 2 lakh, 4 lakh, 6 lakh, whatever the amount is, according to your rank, will you get the money return? 

Table of Refund of AGIF Extended Insurance Benefit for Exservicemen

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Do you know? In this aticle , we will discuss all these things in detail. According to your date of retirement, how long will you get the insurance cover? And when the insurance cover ends, will you get any amount refunded? If you get it, how much will you get? 

 Army ESM, may get refund lakhs of rupees from AGIF Insurance Scheme. And in this extended insurance scheme, Army, Navy and Air Force are applicable for everyone  with different name and different controlling authority.  We will only discuss about Army AGIF here. See, AGIF’s extended insurance scheme was applicable from 1st January 1981. That means, if you have retired after 1981, then only this article is applicable for you. Now see, if you have retired after 1981, then to get extended insurance, a compulsory deduction has been done. You have to deposit premium, which has been deducted from your AGIF balance, the maturity amount. 

Now, what is that amount? And how will you get that amount in return? See, at the time of demise of ESM, when a serviceman dies, his next of kin has to get a death certificate and an extended insurance certificate. Both of these photocopies have to be sent directly to AGIF. You don’t have to go through the record of this. You can get an attestation from the district attorney’s board and send it directly to AGIF. Now see, what is applicable for this? It has a table. 

This table has been issued by AGIF.   You can see in this table, it is rank wise and how much sum is insured for which rank, and for how many years post-retirement and for how much age.Now see, how many years of your age or post-retirement have passed, whichever will end earlier. For example, from 1st January 1981 to 31st March 1989, the people who had retired, their total amount of coverage, for example Rs. 30,000/- and Rs.65,000 for a exserviceman, and post-10 years, after retirement, you will get up to 10 years or 65 years of age, whichever is earlier. 

Documents Required  to Claim Extended Insurance

(i) Death certificate issued by Registrar of Birth and Death (Death certificate issued by Military Hospital is accepted)

(ii) Cancelled cheque/cheques with name of beneficiaries (alternatively copy of first page of passbook with names, if cheque does not have name imprinted)

(iii) AADHAR Card of beneficiaries (as proof of identity).
(iv) EI Certificate, if available.

In case beneficiary is other than Nominee / Contingent Nominee, the following additional documents will also be required:-
(i) Claim Affidavit as given on website.
(ii) Indemnity Bond with surety as given on website.
 (iii) Sum Assured and Terms of Cover is applicable as per date of retirement.

Note:-If any query please contact AGIF at:-
(i) E-mail ID – (ii) Mob No –
(i) Officers’ Sec – 8882484303

Ex Gratia Allowance by AGIF

  • Ex Gratia Allowance of ₹ 25 lac and ₹ 12.5 lac in respect of officers and JCOs/ OR respectively is awarded to personnel who are invalided out with 100 percent disability and granted Constant Attendance Allowance.
  • This amount is invested in Nationalised banks as FD and managed by AGIF. Interest earnings are remitted to the member every quarter.This amount is in addition to the 100 percent Disability benefit paid to them. On demise of the beneficiary the amount is ploughed back to AGIF.
  •  Diseases considered for payment of ex-gratia are as follows:- (i) Total blindness (both eyes). (ii) Paraplegia. (iii) Quadriplegia. (iv) Irreversible comatose conditions due to irreversible brain damage as a result of trauma, infection, stroke or any cause leading to permanent vegetative state or equivalent. (v) Loss of both limbs, i.e. amputation of both legs above knee and both arms above elbow-

Sustenance Allowance to Specially Abled Children by AGIF

 (a) AGIF grants a monthly sustenance allowanceof ₹ 6,000/- per month per child for up to twospecially abled children of service personnelwho die in harness. (b) The disabilities considered for the schemeare as follows :-
(i) Autistic Spectrum Disorders. (ii) Cerebral Palsy. (iii) Mental Retardation.
 (iv) A combination of two or moredisabilities from the following:-
 (aa) Blindness. (ab) Low Vision. (ac) Leprosy-cured. (ad) Hearing Impairment. (ae) Locomotor Disability. (af) Mental illness.

(b) Eligibility conditions are asunder:-

(i) The extent of disability in the above, as certified by medical authority must not be less than 40 percent. (ii) The child must be unable to earn a living. (iii) The disability of the child should manifest itself before the death of the service personnel while in service. (iv) The serving parent of such child should have died on active service.

(d) Documents required for claiming sustenance allowance are as follows:-

 (i) Application for claiming alice as per Appx ‘A’ to AGI letter No A/57271/R/AGI/Ins (Coord) dt 26 Dec 2007.
(ii) Non-earning cert duly signed by Secy, DSSB is att.
(iii) Med Cert of disability duly signed by med bd consisting of three Med Offrsindicating percentage of disability.

(v) Part II Order of birth of child (Kindred Roll portion att) former service.
 (vi) Part II Order for dis child (Photocopy of kindred Roll portion att).
 (vii) Part II Order of death of serving pers.
(viii) Whether Bank details of Natural/ legal guardian completed (not applicable for NDG).
 (ix) Cert from CO, parent unit in case Part II order for different abled child pub after death of serving personnel

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