Job Opportunity for Disabled Soldiers

Job Opportunity for Disabled Soldiers

The existing quota of reservations available for Ex-Servicemen (ESM) is as follows:

  • Public Sector Banks (PSBs) and Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs):
  • 14.5% in all Direct Recruitment Group ‘C’ Posts.
  • 24.5% in all Direct Recruitment Group ‘D’ Posts.

(Including 4.5% for Disabled ESM and dependents of Service personnel killed in action)

  • Central Civil Services & Posts (CCS&P) of Central Government Ministries/ Departments and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs):
  • 10% in all Direct recruitment posts upto the level of Assistant Commandant in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs).
  • 10% in all Direct Recruitment Group ‘C’ Posts.
  • 20% in all Direct Recruitment Group ‘D’ Posts.
  • 100% in Defence Security Corps

4.5%  Reservation in PSU and Banks  for Disabled Soldiers

  1.  Bank/ PSU Clerk and PO   – except Guard post
  2. All clerical posts of Govt of India and state Govt
  3. All auditor, accountant, typist, Peon, MTS, office Asst Posts SSC CGL  CHSL  MTS, Railway all post except technical
  4. All posts which are not debarred for Person with disability 
  1. Police Forces
  2. CAPF/RPF and other forces
  3. Posts required heavy physical activity and weapon handling.

Disabled Ex-Servicemen (DESM): Ex-serviceman who while serving in the Armed Forces of the Union was disabled in operations against the enemy or in disturbed areas. Disability must be Attributable to military service , may be in field or peace. 

If there is an increase in the reservation for ex servicemen the additional vacancies that become available are to be utilised first for the appointment of disabled ex-servicemen and if all such vacancies are not utilised, they shall then be made available to the other exservicemen.

Priority in Appointment It would be appreciated that early rehabilitation of disabled personnelldependan!~ of lhose killed in action in civil employment is a national responsibility. The employing departments are therefore to comply strictly with the regulations laid in OM 14/1/74- Estt(D) dated 14.7.75 and 14024/1/88 – Estl (D) dated 5.1.89.    

Priority for the purpose of appointrner~to Group’C” and ‘D” posts under the Central Govt. filled by direct recruitment, has been provided for ex-servicemen disabled either during the war or in peace time but their disability being attributable to military service. Such persons will be accorded priority along with retrenched employees of the Government. 

1402416177-Estt. (D) dated 31 st December, 1979. It has been provided in the said O.M. that for the purpose of appointment to Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts under the Central Government filled by direct recruitment, the exservicemen disabled whether during war or in peace time, but their disability being attributable to military service, shall be accorded PRIORITY-I 

The disabled Defence Services personnel will, be eligible for appointment to Group ‘C’ posts, which are filled on results of competitive examinations conducted by the Staff Selection Commission and other bodies provided they are educationally qualified. 

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