
All information given in this website is only for general information or use. The information provided does not constitute any legal contract between the website Owner and any person or entity unless otherwise specified. The information provided on this website i.e esminfoclub.com is based on Govt orders, rules, regulations and relevant instruction. However contents of this website can not be quoted as authority in any of the correspondence with any organization. The contents are only for info of the environment with aim to enhance awareness of veteran Soldiers on their welfare matter. The copyright and ownership as regard to the domain name, contents and web design rests with the Website Owner.

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The information provided on this web site is based on relevant Govt. orders/Defene services orders and instructions available in pulic domain or books available in the open market. However, contents of this web site cannot be quoted as authority in any of the correspondence with any Govt / Defence authority or with any other organisation. Views of the wrriters and comment on the current issues are added in our blog posts.

No classified information is provided or received through this website. Information provided here is for general awareness of the veteran soldiers of Indian Armed Forces in simplified mode.

The copyright and ownership as regards the domain name, content and web design rest with the owner of this website.