Data on Grant of Rs 15 Lakh Yudh Samman Yojana Sought from all Record Offices

Yudh Samman Yojana, is a royal initiative of Indian Armed Forces to show honour to the brave heroes of the the war for India. Recently, DESW has circulated a notification regarding collection of data for the award of Rs 15 Lakh Grants to all participants of 1971 war holding Purvi star and Paschimi Star. the details so sought has now been communicated by the Army HQ to all Record offices accordingly. So, I think no individual action is required. Record office will search for the casualty return (DO-Pat-II Order) of such all participants who participated the 1971 War against Pakistan.
the content of the letter circulated by the Army HQ is reproduced here –
“It is intimated that proposal for grant of one-time payment of Rs 15 lakh under “Yudh Samman Yojana” is under consideration with Dept of Ex Serviceman Welfare (DESW) has sought addl data in r/o all personnel (or their spouses), JCOs/OR who actively participated in 1965 and/ or 1971 wars and awarded Samar Seva Star and/or Poorvi Star/Paschimi Star Medals. The data is required to be forwarded by 25 Aug 24 in the prescribed format in excel sheet in soft copy annexed with this letter.”
the proforma of data sheet is as circulated to all concerned by Army HQ (including KSB etc) are as under –