8th CPC Formation for Central Govt Employees and Pensioners -Updates

8th cpc formation latest news

Central Govt Employees and Pensioners are eagerly waiting for the 8th Pay Commission, but it seems that the
government is not in a mood to constitute the Pay commission in hurry to get any political milage . Govt Employees and pensioners are in doubt with the trends of the government that , there may not be another Pay Commission, that is, the days of the Pay Commission have passed in a way, but it should not be true.

Is government working on such a system so that the salaries of the employees increase on the basis of their
performance? For this, all payments and salaries can be calculated on the basis of a core formula ? The
salary of the central Govt Employees and pension is calculated on the basis of the formula that is calculated
every 10 years to make a change in the structure. So far, 7 Pay Commissions have been made.

The first Pay Commission was made in January 1946 and the 7th Pay Commission was formed on February 28, 2014. Now, the Budget session is over and people were expecting any mention about the 8th CPC in budget. But the Govt authority has not mentioned a single wrod about the 8th CPC formation till date.

Some Employees /Pensioners Association of Govt organisations have already approached the Govt /Ministries to consitute the 8th CPC in due course, but no actions has been taken till date.

It may be expected that, the Govt authority will constitute the 8th CPC in due course as deemed fit so that all Employees and Pensioners may get their legitimate dues in time.

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