Reemployed Exservicemen Must Submit this Certificate to PCDA (P) to Continue DR on Pension

reemployed esm must submit this

It has been observed that deerness relief of some pensioners ceased by PCDA(P) after putting declaration of their re-employment. To solve this problem, while submit Life Certificate on SPARSH, must upload the certificate signed by your Office master. Format is given here . In this regard please go through the Pension Regulation for the Army Part-I – 2021 as reproduced below :-

Regulation 12. (a) Dearness Relief against price rise may be granted to the pensioners and family pensioners at such rates and subject to such conditions as the Government may specify from time to time.

(b) If a pensioner is re-employed under the Central or State Government or a Corporation/ Company/ Autonomous Body/Bank under them in India or abroad including permanent absorption in such Corporation/Company/ Autonomous Body/Bank except as in clauses (d), (e) and (f) below, he shall not be eligible to draw dearness relief on pension except as in clause (d) below during the period of such re-employment and he shall be required to furnish a certificate of non-employment or re-employment once in a year in the month of November.

(c) In the event of non-production of above mentioned [certificates] certificate, [Auth:
Typographical error] [CS- 237/2020] the payment of dearness relief on pension shall be stopped
until the pensioner produces the same.

(d) The payment of dearness relief shall be allowed to re-employed Armed Forces
pensioners in the case of those who held the rank below the rank of Commissioned Officer,
subject to furnishing a certificate to the Pension Disbursing Authority from Central
Government Department concerned including subordinate organisation employing Armed
Forces Pensioners and maintaining service records of the re-employed pensioner retired
from military service that –

(i) The entire amount of pension sanctioned by the Central Government was ignored in the fixation of the pay on re-employment i.e. no part of pension was taken into account in such fixation of pay in the pay scale of the post in which the Armed Forces personnel was re-employed.

(ii) The pay of the re-employed pensioner was/is fixed at the minimum of the pay scale of the post in which he had/has been re-employed after discharge from Armed Forces. If the pay is fixed at a higher stage because of advance increments and no protection of the last pay drawn is given, the pay be treated as fixed at the minimum only for the purpose of ignoring the entire pension and allowing dearness relief on pension provided the ex-serviceman retired as Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) before attaining the age of 55 years. [Auth: MoD ID No.12(4)/03/ D(Pen/Pol) dated 16.4.2008] [CS- 05 /2020]

(e) The payment of dearness relief on family pension to employed family pensioners shall remain payable during the period of employment.

(f) A pensioner employed outside India under a Foreign Government or a private organisation shall remain eligible for dearness relief on pension/family pension.

Explanation: Pensioner who held the rank of C o m m i s s i o n e d Officer, is not entitled for dearness relief on his pension during the period of his re-employment

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