Rashifal 2025 with Prediction for 12 Zodiac Signs

rashifal 2025 prediction

New Year brings new hopes and new aspirations for everyone. Some people’s dreams come true and some people’s wishes remain unfulfilled. People are still curious about how their new year will be for everyone. People are eager to know how their new year will be for everyone. 

Will your dreams come true?
Will your hard work pay off?
Which year is going to shine?
Which year will bring new hopes?
2025 is going to be special for some people. During this time, Goddess Lakshmi is going to shower her special grace on some people. Which year is going to shower her special grace? 

In this article, we will tell you how the year 2025 is going to be for all the 12 Rashis. But, if we talk overall, how many hopes is this year 2025 going to bring for all the states? First of all, I would like to wish you all a very happy new year. 

May this new year bring a lot of happiness in your life. May all your wishes come true. May all your career goals come true. If we talk overall, how will 2025 be for all the states? If we see numerologically, the total of 2025 comes to 9. If we see astrologically, the king of this year is the sun and the minister of this year is also the sun. So overall, people will have a lot of passion and positive energy. 

But somewhere or the other, anger and aggression can also increase. Because it is the year of Mars. If we talk about the overall industries, the manufacturing industry is going to reach its peak. Pharmaceutical industry is also going to reach its peak. AI is already on such a high boom. This year, you will see a lot of digital arrests, spammers, hackers, etc. So whenever you do online transactions, you need to be very careful. Mars is the creator of the earth, the creator of sports. 

Please associate yourself with any sport this year. Whether you go to the gym, do yoga, do pranayama, or go for a walk. Overall, it is the year of the sun. So this year, you can also do sun salutation. You can also do your cardio exercises. Take care of your heart health. Keep in mind that your BP should not increase. 

High BP issues can occur. For that, it is necessary for you to do regular workouts. The compatibility between the sun and Mars is very good. You don’t have to bring your ego at all this year. You don’t have to bring aggression. You have to adopt a little flexibility in things. Otherwise, you can have problems in relationships and career. 

Pray to Lord Hanuman. If you want to invest in real estate, you can do that this year. Respect your father. Touch your father’s feet and leave the house this year. And overall, you have to respect people like your father this year. Give regular sun salutation. And follow discipline in your life this year. 

This year, you will see a lot. There are three major transit planets this year. Whether it is Saturn’s transit or Jupiter’s transit. There is also Rahu-Ketu transit in May. So, overall, a lot of things will fluctuate this year after May. Overall, 2025 is going to be very good. 

Mesh Rashi (Aries)

First, let’s talk about Mesh Rashi. How will this year be?  If we talk about Mesh Rashi, the lord of Mesh Rashi is Mars. And this year, the total of 2025 is 9. Somewhere, the lord of Mesh Rashi is Mars. So, overall, this year will be very supportive for you. What do you have to do this year? You have to worship Lord Hanuman. You can also pray to Lord Shiva. Take care of your high BP and aggression issues this year. You don’t have to get angry at anyone. The more you worship Lord Ram this year, the better. Aggression and speed will increase a lot in your career. Because somewhere, overall, this year is of both Sun and Mar.s

Vrishab rashi (Taurus)

We will talk about Vrishabh Rashi (Taurus). How will 2025 be for Vrishabh Rashi? What challenges will there be? And what solutions do we have to do? May you have happiness in your life. May you have wealth and family. May your health be good. May your relationships be sweet. And may you keep touching new heights in life. With this hope, we wish you a happy new year. 

Vrishabh Rashi is Shukra Pradhan Rashi. This is the Rashi where the Moon is high. This is the Rashi where Rahu is also high. And Guru is passing through your Rashi at this time. In the middle of the year, Guru will go from your Rashi to 2nd Bhav. That is, he is going to go to your Dhan Bhav. After that, Saturn’s transit is also changing. He will also transit in your Shukra’s other  Rashi, Meen Rashi. And somewhere or the other, Rahu and Ketu will also come in their Triangular position of the  Rashi. So, overall, if I see, this year is new for you. 

Financially, from the point of view of wealth, new doors are going to open for you. Those of you who are associated with the art field, media line, medical line, especially those who are associated with the consultancy line, new doors are going to open for them. We can see a promotion in the job and an increment in the salary. There is going to be a lot of sweetness in your relationships this year. If there is a dispute between husband and wife, then it will be solved this year. There can be a new life entry in your life. If you want to get married, you can get married this year. So, overall, it is a year of enjoyment in a way. This year, the energy of Mars will make you aware of your health. You will see yourself going to the gym, exercising, following a healthy diet. So, overall, I would say, it is quite positive for Vishabh Rashi. 

Mithun Rashi ( Gemini) 

How will this year be for Mithun Rashi ? It is the year of Mars. I wish you all a very happy year of Mars. Let’s talk about Mithun Rashi. Mithun Rashi is the sign of Mercury. If we look at the year 2025, Mercury is the 5th sign, which represents communication. So, this year, you have to focus a lot on emotions, communication, and Mars. So, we have to focus a lot on emotions, communication, and aggression in 2025. We have to use them in a very controlled and effective way in 2025. 

As far as Mithun Rashi is concerned, if you have applied for a foreign settlement or PR, then I can see this happening in the first half of 2025. If you have given an application, then you will see important updates and progressions in the application. Along with that, your foreign travel and foreign settlement are opening up very well. Along with this, if you are married and planning a family, then the second half of 2025 is going to be very good for you. You can see new guests coming to your house. 

And for those who are planning to get married, you can see the wedding date opening up for them after May 2025. You have given very important information.

Kark Rashi (Cancer) 

If we talk about business, financially, mentally, physically, how wonderful is this new year going to be for Kark Rashi people? First of all, I wish you all a very happy new year. See, it will be divided into two parts for Kark Rashi people. This time, the family arrangements are very wonderful. If we look at the beginning of the year, then we will be sitting in the Kark Rashi with the auspiciousness of marriage. And after coming to Mithun, we will spend a long time in the same Rashi, i.e. Kark. Secondly, from Guru, Guru is still in the retrograde state, and Shani will also come in Guru’s Rashi, i.e. Meen. So, if we look at the initial part, then in the beginning, you have a little bit of share market , Satta Bazaar, where you have expectations of space money. And a little bit of greed also increases for you, because both Chandrama and Shukra are the main Rashi. For both, your impact is more. So, you have to keep a little distance in this. Do not think about space money. Do not think about profit. 

You need to be a little careful about health in the initial phase, i.e. around April. Small surgeries, etc. can also be done. But there is no need to worry about it. It will only be beneficial for you. 

If we look at the job market for the Kark Rashi people, then those who are self-employed in the media sector or in the field of art, those who are doing their own business, we will increase their impact. At the same time, if we look at the Kark Rashi people, who are businessmen, then there is a very wide range of Varshas for them. This year, you will get a lot of opportunities in your name. And at the same time, if we look at the other part of the Varsha, the situation after April, then there will be the Rahu-Ketu Gauchar in May. And along with the Rahu-Ketu Gauchar, Guru’s Gauchar is also going to take place this year. So in such a situation, if we look at the overall year of 2025 for the Kark Rashi people, then it will be very auspicious. 

Singh Rashi (Leo)

How will the new year be for them? How much progress will there be? This year is very supportive for the Singh Rashi people because through astrology, the kings of this year are also Suns and the ministers of this year are also Suns. The overall numerology of 2025 is 9 in total. The compatibility between 1 and 9 is also very good because the number of Suns is 1 and the number of Mars is 9. There is also friendship compatibility between them. Both are friends. So overall, this year is very supportive from every angle. But quarter 1 is even more supportive because after 29th March, the Saturn Dhaiya will start on the Singh Rashi (Leo). So somewhere or the other, a little intervention of Saturn will come in your life. 

Because the Saturn Dhaiya will start, so don’t forget to worship Lord Shiva. This year, your ego can be a little high. Do regular Surya Namaskar. Touch your father’s regular feet and leave the house. Eat a little jaggery and leave the house. Do Aditya Hridaya Sotra. You can also do Surya Sahasranam. You can also do Surya Ashtakam. You can also worship Lord Shiva. You have to keep your east direction and south direction clear this year. Because the direction of the Singh Rashi is east and the direction of the overall universal year is south. So keep both these directions clear. 

And this year is very good for your career. So take special care of yourself. Wishing you all a very successful 2025. The Singh Rashi people are going to be great. 

Kanya Rashi (Virgo)

What challenges will be there in the field of work? In the field of work, the Kanya Rashi is the highest Rashi of the Buddha. It will be very good. Because in the second half, when the Guru will be in the 10th house, then somewhere the Guru will be looking at the wealth. And he will also be looking at the 6th house. Especially those who have legal cases going on, those legal cases will come in their favour. 

Those who are connected to legal business, like lawyers or judges, this year is very good for them. Those who are businessmen, those who are connected to accounting, those who are connected to teaching, those who are professors, those who are writers, those who write books, their year is going to increase in society in some way. Along with that, those who are in the line of marketing, those who work with high communication skills, anchors like you, this year is going to be very progressive and landmark for the Kanya Rashi people. 

This year is very good in terms of work and money. But if I talk about relationships, then there can be a difference of opinion somewhere. You have to be careful there. On Saturday, they will look at your Lagan and your Rashi. In the second half of the year, there will be some delay somewhere. If you are planning to get married, then it will be a little delayed. There will be a difference in relationships. You need to make some compromise there. Along with that, the students who are for Kanya Rashi, they also need to be very focused. 

Because in competitive exams, you may get a little challenging question paper. So do your studies in great detail and focus. What will be the challenges in the beginning? How will love life be? 

Tula Rashi (Libra) 

As far as Tula Rashi is concerned, 2025 is going to be great for them. Students who are going to take competitive exams, this year is great for them. Because after March, the Saturn cycle is very favourable for them. After March, students who are taking competitive exams, Indian Foreign Service exams, or any kind of government exams, it will be very good for them. 

And along with that, what I see here is that Tula Rashi people need to take care of their health. Because from the point of view of health, the first half of 2025 can be a little delicate. Tula Rashi people need to pay special attention to eating and drinking. You need to see and maintain lifestyle issues. Because it is the year of Mars, try to do as many workouts as possible. So that all your lifestyle issues do not impact your physical and mental health.

As far as love and relationship is concerned, people’s misunderstandings in love and relationship will be cleared as the year goes by. And those who are planning a family, this year is very auspicious for them. Because from the perspective of family planning, I can see that a lot of positive yogas are being formed here. If you were going through any kind of dilemma in the workplace, then in the second half of 2025, issues related to the workplace are slowly coming to an end. Promotion is expected. This year, promotion is also visible. And if you are in any field related to occult science, then in this field, I can see your positive growth and development. 

And what Tula Rashi people have to do, as a remedy, every Friday, if you go to the Mahalakshmi Temple and light a lamp there, it is very good for you.  Also, do not forget to bring white sweets to the girls. 

Brishik Rashi (Scorpio)

Let’s talk about Scorpio. How will be in the new year? What will be the expectations of the job and relationship? For Brishik Rashi people, in the initial phase, because Mars will be in the lower sign, there will be a little lack of self-confidence. And secondly, from a marital point of view, this year is going to be a little worrisome because there may be distances in relationships, conflicts will increase. But if you look at it, if you are in the IT sector, or if you are in the medical field, then promotion is waiting for you this year. Your effect will increase. 

And also, for Rishik Rashi people, if you have been suffering from health problems in the past few years, then now you will be free from health problems. You will get health benefits. And in the middle of the year, when Rahu and Ketu will merge, and then Guru will merge, after that, for those students who are preparing in the competitive field, a very good time will begin. For Brishik Rashi people, in the year 2025,  you have to be a little careful about investing in space, or investing money in disputed land. And especially worship the Sun. And if you worship Lord Shiva this year, and offer water and sandalwood, then this year 2025 will be more auspicious for you. 

Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius) . 

How many challenges will it bring? If we talk about Dhanu Rashi, then this year is supportive for you. There are some specific reasons why it is supportive. If we talk about Dhanu Rashi, then his lord is Guru. Even in numerology, this number comes on 3. And in this year’s numerology, the total of 2025 is 9. 3, 6, 9 belong to the same family. If we talk about Dhanu Rashi, your Saturn’s 2.5, that too is starting from somewhere on 29th March. Guru’s Gochar is also in mid-May.

So this year after May, your marriage is also getting ready. Because Guru’s Saptam Drishti will happen. Don’t forget to do Vishnu Sahasranam this year. You don’t have to bring ego on your knowledge anywhere this year. This is the main mantra of this year. Upgrade your skill set. Learn new things. Connect with technology. You can also connect with occult sciences as much as possible. Basically, you have to upgrade your skill set a lot. Always apply turmeric sandalwood tilak on your forehead. Also on your index finger, where your Guru is mounted. You have to apply turmeric tilak there as well. 

You have to apply tilak on your neck and navel as well. Those who will make their Guru, give them yellow sweets on Veerbhaar. Bring their blessings. Because when Guru puts his hand on your head, Guru’s karma comes in through your crown chakra. The obstacle part of your life gets cleared. Don’t forget to worship Lord Vishnu. You can fast on Veerbhaar. Apart from this, if you want to offer yellow flowers to Lord Vishnu, you have to spread knowledge. You have to acquire knowledge as well. You have to do both. What will you do if you keep knowledge with you? You can donate your religious books to any religious place. Especially, if you talk about Lord Vishnu, you can put turmeric in the root of banana tree and offer it to Lord Vishnu. This year will be auspicious for you. This year will be auspicious for you. 

Makar Rashi (capricorn)

Let’s wait for Makar Rashi. How will the new year be? How many ups and downs will you face in your career? There will be ups and downs. But Makar Rashi is the year of auspiciousness. In the middle of the year, after Makar March, Makar Rashi will end. Overall, you have to work hard this year. You have to work hard. You have to work hard. But your results will be positive. The more you work hard, the more focused you will be. Your results will turn into positivity. This year, you have to travel abroad. Those who want to study abroad, they have to travel abroad. Along with that, there will be slow promotion in your job.

 But you will gradually move forward in your job. Financial conditions can be a little challenging. This year, you will be investing in property. You can buy a new vehicle. You can buy a new car. You have to take care of your mother’s health. If you are planning a surgery this year, then you are definitely looking at it. As far as relationships are concerned, you have to put in some effort. You are seeing mixed effects. You have to mellow down your ego for your relationships. Along with that, you have to address your partner’s needs from time to time. This year, I will tell you a special solution. You can go to any hospital, especially an eye hospital or a blind orphanage. You can donate food and medicines there. It will be very beneficial for you. Along with that, if you provide food to the prisoners in jail, then if some legal matters bother you, then you will see how you will get out of those legal matters. Your life’s challenges will be reduced. 

Kumbh Rashi ( Aquarius) 

As far as Kumarashi is concerned, the year is going well. It is the main rashi. It is going on at 7.30. But after March 29, the way the transit of Saturn will be in the mean rashi, the Kumarashi people will get a lot of relief. They were in a lot of stress till now. Their stress level is reducing a little. But the last half is still left. They still have to work very hard. In 2025, in the year of Mars, they need to work very hard. With any kind of major investment, you need to be a little careful now. Don’t make a very heavy investment now. Whatever investment you do, do it with a lot of thought. And for those who are in a relationship, in this year, in the second half, you need to focus a lot on the relationship. Don’t let any kind of misunderstanding or confusion in your love and relationship. 

Those who are looking for a new partner, I can see their new partner in 2025. It is a very good year from the point of view of love and relationship. It is also very good for those who are thinking for competitive exams. And for those who want promotion, the second quarter of 2025 is looking very positive for them. From the point of view of increment and promotion. Those who do business, if you are doing any business deal, if you are signing any contract, then make sure you read this contract well. Because the way Rahu will come in your Lagan after May 2025, there can be an issue in some partnership deals. There can be a misunderstanding with the partners. Love and relationship, especially in marriage life, there can be a situation of confusion. 

So if you want to do any business deal, if you want to sign any contract, then make sure you read all its contents well. Also, if you want things in 2025 to be favourable to you, then you should read Shani Chalisa regularly. And if you go to a construction site and give any food to the workers, or give samosas or anything made of oil, then it will be very positive for you. And don’t forget to light a mustard oil lamp under the peepal tree every Saturday. So make sure you feed the needy and the hungry, and you will definitely get success. 

Meen Rashi (Pisces) 

Now let’s talk about Pisces. The wait for Pisces is over. How will this year be for Pisces ? Look, for Pisces, the year of 2025, you will enter the middle stage of 7.5, but along with that, you are getting salvation from two things. You have got the most pain from 7.5 in the last two and a half years. This is because you are a water element. People say that God does not give pain, but in Kalyug, it is important that God is not leaving anyone. So in such a situation, when Saturn passes away, it will come to your house, that is, it will come to the moon. So you are getting some salvation from Saturn’s pain. 

Whether it is financial pain or economic pain, you are getting salvation from both. And along with that, you have to pay special attention that this year, there is a big cycle of Rahu-Ketu. As soon as you get salvation from Rahu, the state of delusion that has been created in your life so far, if you are a student or in the field of research, or somewhere, the mental problem that was coming to you, the lack of ability to make decisions, even in that, now you will be seen to grow in self-confidence after May. 

For the work area, this year is very wonderful for Pisces. Those who are working in the government sector, they will get promotion. And it seems that you are also getting the desired temporary retirement. This year is a wonderful miracle for you. If you want to be completely free from Saturn’s pain, then you keep the idols of Ram Darbar, whether it is a silver idol, or you keep an idol of copper or copper, and do at least five rounds of Ajodhya Kand, whether you do it in your home temple, or you do it in the car going to the office, or you do it sitting on the table of the office. This will give you salvation from all kinds of pain. And by being happy with Bajrangbali, in the year of Surya, you will be given an amazing position of respect. 

Absolutely, that is, the year 2025 will be positive. You will also get success in new career plans. This year is going to be very good for love life. There will also be happiness in relationships. We have given you information about all the dates, how it will be. 

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