Buying a Car from CSD is more easy now. You need not to visit CSD Depot for time and again. Just follow these simple online steps to complete the purchase process of your dream Car from CSD
Step 1 : You need to login to the CSD AFD Portal and search for your dream car. If not register, must complete the registration in the CSD AFD Portal using your personal details and CSD Smart card details. When you are selecting the car, must choose the option from which city, URC and vendor you prefer. List of registered/listed dealers are available in the drop down box. Once you have selected the model of the car, URC, Dealer, note the details.
Process of Registraion in CSD AFD Portal
Visit – and click on “shop now” then “new register” . Create your username and password.
Note:- Don’t commit any mistakes while filling the FORM because once you fill and submit the Form, it is tough to edit and till than the site will not allow you to Book the vehicle or purchase any AFD item.
During every login you will get an OTP on your registered mobile. After entering the site click on “search” at the bottom of the web page and type the same vehicle you booked in the showroom, click on it and
check the price displayed it should be same as said by the showroom, otherwise tell showroom to amend it, accordingly.
Meanwhile, initially it will ask state, area, canteen etc select the canteen which is near to you.
Step 2 : Now visit the Dealer you have marked for purchase of your dream car. Book the vehicle with formalities as required by the Dealer. A little amount as advance of booking t to be paid and must note the following details from booking documents :-
- Engine No and Chasis number of the car.
- Collect a quotation of the vehicle as per CSD price from the dealer (price must match with the CSD Portal)
- Collect availability certificate of the Car.
Step 3 : Now again login to the CSD AFD Portal and proceed to purchase of the car. You need to enter your basic service details, canteen grocery card number, chip number etc on the web site. You need to upload the personal Documents and documents related to car received from Dealer. Upload all documents like proof of payments, AADHAR, PAN, Last pay drawn or PPO, availability certificate with engine and chasis numbers. After uploading all, you have to click at the bottom of the page “Generate Challan”.
Step 4 : Now after completing the initial about said formalities, you have to pay the amount in full to CSD store, either direct thru your account or bank loan or partially both.
Step 5 : After that you will get summary sheet take print out the same and keep safe with all other uploaded documents in duplicate.
Step 6 : Visit to NOMINATED URC with all these copies, along with original Grocery Card and Identity Card. The CSD person will check everything and keep the copies.
Step 7 : After 2 or 3 days you will get Email and SMS to collect PO/ Supply order.
Step 8 : Collect the same from CSD and submit at the showroom and collect your vehicle.
Note:- The site is getting updated regularly as the site is new.
CSD Dte is trying to make everything hands free and avoid visiting canteen. Shortly they are thinking to give PO by downloading from Portal.
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