Job Vacancy for Exservicemen in Govt and Corporate Organisations

AWPO & DGR has published the Job vacancy information for the month of September 2024. Eligible and interested ESM officers, JCOs and NCOs/OR may contact the AWPO concerned for appearing the interview for seletion. Detailed info on Job Vacancy for Exservicemen in Govt and Corporate Organisations is reproduced below :-

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DGR Published Job vacancies for JCOs/OR

Job Opportunities for ESM (JCOs/ OR & Equivalent) (based on the Vacancies culled out from Employment News, Online websites etc).

Sl. No.Name of 
Govt./PSU/Pvt.Name of PostMode of ApplicationClosing DateDownload Notification
1Border Roads OrganisationGovt. VariousApply Directly to the user organisation as per notificationAs per Notification. DOWNLOAD
2GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF RAILWAYSGovt. VariousApply Directly to the user organisation as per notificationAs per Notification. DOWNLOAD
3National Institute of BiologicalsGovt. VariousApply Directly to the user organisation as per notificationAs per Notification. DOWNLOAD
4Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers LimitedPSUVariousApply Directly to the user organisation as per notificationAs per Notification. DOWNLOAD
5NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED GovtVariousApply Directly to the user organisation as per notificationAs per Notification. DOWNLOAD
6GAIL (India) LtdPSUVarious PostApply Directly to the user organisation as per notificationto User Organisation as As per NotificationDOWNLOAD
7Government of India, Ministry of RailwaysGovtChief Commercial Cum Ticket Supervisor,
Station Master, Good Train Manager, Junior Account Assistant Cum Typist, Senior Clerk Cum Typist
Apply directly to User Organisation as per Guidelines. As per Notification. DOWNLOAD
8BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDSGovtVariousApply directly to user Organisation as per Notification. As per NotificationDOWNLOAD
9BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDSGovtConsultantApply directly to user Organisation as per Notification. As per NotificationDOWNLOAD
10Cabinet SecretariatGovtDeputy Field Officer (Technical)Apply directly to user organization as per Guidelines21-10-24DOWNLOAD
11ARMOURED VEHICLES NIGAM LIMITED PSUVariousApply directly to user organization as per Guidelines10-Nov-24DOWNLOAD
12Indo-Tibetan Border Police ForceGovtDriverApply directly to user organization as per GuidelinesAs per notification. DOWNLOAD
GovtVariousApply directly to user organization as per GuidelinesAs per notification. DOWNLOAD
14Staff Selection CommissionGovtConstable (GDApply directly to user organization as per GuidelinesAs per notification. DOWNLOAD

DISCLAIMER: The information provided above is part of larger welfare of our Ex-Servicemen (ESM). The above Vacancies have been culled out from various sources like Employment Newspapers, Online websites etc. Therefore, they are only informatory in nature. This website and DGR has no role in Selection/ Rejection of any ESM. The ESM, if so wishes, may apply directly against these vacancies to the User Organisation

Job Opportunities for ESM (JCOs/ OR & Equivalent): Vacancies received from various User Organisations (Govt/ PSUs/ Pvt)


How to Apply: The ESM may forward their names to DGR through respective ZSBs/ RSBs for the vacancies listed below by using above Willingness Format. Before forwarding names, the ESM and their respective ZSBs/ RSBs are requested to read the guidelines given at and  and forward the names accordingly else the names will not be accepted.

Sl. NoName of OrganisationGovt/ PSU/PvtName of PostMode of ApplicationClosing DateDownload Notification
1Ministry of CommunicationsGovtStaff Car Driver Forward names through RSB/ZSB to DGR30-Sep-24DOWNLOAD
2Diwakar Enterprises Private LimitedPvtQuality Control Manager Forward names through RSB/ZSB to DGR30-Sep-24DOWNLOAD
3Client of SkillsterPvtOperations ManagerForward names through RSB/ZSB to DGR30-Sep-24DOWNLOAD
4The Blind Relief Association. PvtResident WardenForward names through RSB/ZSB to DGR30-Sep-24DOWNLOAD
5Mahindra Logistics PvtEV Cab DriverForward names through RSB/ZSB to DGR30-Sep-24DOWNLOAD
6Adecco IndiaPvtHDO -EngineerApply directly to user organization to the given email ID30-Sep-24DOWNLOAD

DISCLAIMER: The above Vacancies have been received by DGR from various User Organisations (Govt/ PSUs/ Pvt). However, it is informed that DGR has no role in Selection/ Rejection of any Veteran. Also, applying for any vacancy does not guarantee of appointment.

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