2206 More ECHS Empanelled Hospitals in India available this year

As per MoD(DoESW) letter No 22B(04)/2010/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 18 Feb 2011, QCI / NABH certification has been made mandatory for hospitals to apply for empanelment with ECHS.
However, ECHS beneficiaries residing at remote locations in Tier two and Tier three cities are facing great difficulties in getting medical facilities due to non availability of empanelled Hospitals.
At such locations few private HCOs are functional and are willing for empanelment with ECHS. However, these Hospitals have not undertaken QCI/NABH certifications which is a mandatory requirement for empanelment with ECHS. Hospitals in remote areas are mostly functioning with minimum certification as required by State Govts. ECHS has empanelled huge number of hospitals and medical healthcare organisations to provide quality healthcare facilities to the beneficiaries. Here is a detailed Statewise and yearwise statistics of Empanelled hospitals.

ECHS Hospital and Diagnostic Empanelment Rules
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