OROP-3rd revision is effective wef 01.07.2024. Govt has published approval for the all concerned to revise the pension of all applicable veterans and family pensioners on 04.09.25024. PCDA (P), Prayagraj has also issued Circular No. 677. But the things whcih is mostly enquired by the ESM are discussed here in the form of FAQ.
FAQ on OROP-3 Pension Table and its Applicability
Q. 1 : Why even after implementation of ORP-1, OROP-2 and OROP-3, Pension has not been increased to all Armed Forces Pensioners ?
Ans. According to Basic methodology of Fixation of Pension, average of maximum and Minimum pension is taken as OROP pension for any particular rank and length of service. So, those who are getting more pension than the average calculated by Defence Pension Authority under OROP Scheme, is not benefitted with any increased pension.
Q2. : My Pension was increased in OROP-2 w.e.f 01.07.2019 but now, in OROP-3 my pension showing in the Table decreased. What will be my actual pension ?
Ans . As per instructions of DESW, pension drawing as on 30.06.2024 will be protected, if drawing more amount than the pension fixed in the OROP Pension table published by them on 04.09.2024.
Q.3. I retired with last rank Hav Gp Y and was granted MACP (Nb Sub). Drawing pension of the Level 6 (Nb Sub). What will be my pension in the OROP Table No.7 ?
Ans. : Your pension is fixed as per entitlement of Nb Sub Gp Y.
Q.4. Who all are eligible to get OROP benefit ?
Ans. All Armed Forces pensioners, Family Pensioners of all Ranks including NCEs and DSC 1st Life Pensioners are eligible to get OROP benefits.
Q. 5 : Medical Boarded out (IMB) soldiers, released due to no sheltered appointment available in the unit and those who released due to unwilling to accept sheltered appointment are eligible to get OROP benefit ?
Ans . : Yes, they all are eligible to get OROP Benefit. However, those who are unwilling to accept sheltered appointment wef 8th July 2024 are not treated as invalided out of service and will be treated as Discharge at own request, hence not eligible to get OROP benefit.
Q.6 : Persons proceeded Premature discharge / Discharged at Own Request before implementation of OROP-1 is entitled to get OROP Benefit ?
Ans. : Yes, all such PMR cases are covered under OROP. To avoid misuse of the OROP Scheme, PMR cases raised after 01.07.2024 will not bne covered under OROP.
Have more question on OROP ?
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