ECHS Card Blocked ? Dont Worry Renmedy is Here – New Rule 2025

how to block echs card

Your dependents will not be able to get treatment if the ECHS card is blocked.  As you know, now the children above 18 years of age and parents need to submit their income proof and get the ECHS card renewed every year in November, started from 2022. 

However, thousands of ECHS Cards are found blocked due to non renewal of their Card (validation). Now, here is a chance to regularise the blocked ECHS card. 

You must keep the ECHS cards of dependents active Every year, annual validation has to be done online. Those who have been dependent for more than 18 years or are parents, for them, annual validation has to be done by logging on to the ECHS website.  If you do not do this, then you become ineligible and after that your cards will be  blocked.  So I must know the whole process .  Recently, the Central Organization ECHS (Army Headquarters) circulated that , how to do it and what has been changed in this process so that you can validate the cards . 

Annual validation of ECHS membership of dependent by submission of life certificate and eligibility document by primary beneficiary is a must have activity for ECHS Card holders. 

 You will know that by primary beneficiary, annual validation is done- Life certificate and eligibility certificate has to be uploaded there.  ECHS CO has circulated that – “it is intimated that there is a change in procedure.  To process unblocking of cards which are being blocked , there is a change in procedure. 

There has been a change According to a new letter, ECHS beneficiaries have been given 3 months to complete the annual validation. The rest of the preparation is taken back from the date of publication of this letter.  Annual validation has to be done every year in November.  To determine their eligibility for your dependents.  Not everyone has to do it but those who have parents and those whose children are above the age of 18,  for them  this is must.  Earlier only 3 months time was given. Now 3 months time was given for unblocking  and the window was open but it was taken back.  Now some people might have some doubts regarding who need to submit the documents . As you know, if there is a daughter, son, mother, father then they have to do it. If the daughter and son are below the age of 18 then they don’t have to do it .

For example, if there is a mother and her ECHS card has not been validated.  What is the remedy ? See, all other members will remain eligible but their mother was blocked as Eligibility not validated. Her card was blocked because they didn’t do their annual validation.  

Earlier only 3 months time was given for temporary unblocking and preparation of document by the meanwhile. Now, ECHS has allowed one year duration for unblocking of the card , instead of 3 months. So your window will remain open. Earlier your window was closed. Then you had to go to the polyclinic But your window Will remain open now. During this time you won’t be able to treat Until the annual validation is approved.  Until the validity is accepted for this period,  The benefits of medical facilities will not be allowed.  You must have understood, if the beneficiary Doesn’t get the annual validation, even after a year , then the beneficiary’s ECHS card will be blocked. So that card will be blocked. 

A chart showing the ECHS Card validation and how to removal blockage is given here ➖


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