How to Unblock ECHS Card using simple ways

Now a days this situation is very common that ECHS cards have been blocked. Here is the definite solution for it. With progressive initiatives to improve quality of treatment for ECHS beneficiaries, several administrative changes have been introduced in the ECHS. Renewal of ECHS Membership is one of them.  Based on the life certificate submitted each year through SPARSH, cards of the Primary (Main)  member will be renewed automatically as per planning of the authority.  For dependent members above 18 years of age, the system of renewal/annual validation has been introduced since August 2022.  

It has been found that since the introduction of the annual validation process for ECHS, Cards are blocked due to failing upload of Form 26 AS and submission of  necessary declarations on the ECHS web portal.  

List of ECHS empanelled hospitals of Kolkata 2023

As an alternative of 26AS, Income Certificate from Revenue Department can be uploaded on the ECHS web portal.  Details of annual validation process may be noted from the article link mentioned below : 

Due to ignorance or any other reason, thousands of ECHS beneficiaries was not able to submit document in proper way, as a result, the cards have been blocked.  In such a situation what to do to unblock the card ?

Action to be taken to Unblock ECHS Card

It is confirmed that If the primary beneficiaries fail to do so, prior to the due date, the card of the dependents (except self,  spouse & minor child)  gets blocked. If the primary beneficiary again fails to do so, then permissions would be required from Central Organisation (CO), ECHS. The competent authority has approved following actions to facilitate such beneficiaries to get their cards unblocked: 

(a) Primary beneficiary applies through email/ hand over application to Oi/C Polyclinic to process unblocking the card of affected dependent along with requisite documents.