For Dependents of Exservicemen : PMSS Scolarship eligible Integrated Courses

pmss revised application

DESW has circulated to all Rajya Sainik Board and concerned authorities regarding applicability of PMSS Scholarship for wards of Defence Personnel.  Main portion of the letter is reproduced here –


          It has come to notice that some ZSBs are not accepting PMSS application for students studying in first year of integrated courses specially for BA LLB course as per previous policy It has been reiterated that the policy for integrated courses has been revised and as per new policy students are eligible to apply for the entire duration of the approved integrated courses of PMSS from academic year 2024-25.  The policy has already been incorporated and updated in KSB website. As such students studying first year of the following integrated courses are eligible to apply for PMSS from first year itself instead of third year (previous policy).

Table of integrated courses eligible for PMSS

Ser NoName of courseDurationMinimum educational qualification
1Integrated BA + LLB510+2 
2Integrated B. Com + LLB510+2 
3Integrated B Sc + LLB510+2 
4Integrated BA + BEd510+2 
5Integrated Bcom  + B Ed510+2 
6Integrated BSc  + B Ed510+2 
7Integrated BA + MBA510+2 
8Integrated BSc  + MBA510+2 
9Integrated BCom + MBA510+2 
10Integrated BA/B Com/ B Sc + B Ed Spl Edn510+2 

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