OROP Circular Number 677 by PCDA of September 2024

OROP 3rd revision has been approved by the Ministry of Defence and DESW has published official instructions to implement by the concerrned pension payment authorities. PCDA is the major implementing authority and they have now released a circular No 677 dated 06.09.2024 regarding modalities of implementation of OROP 3rd revision. Thge copy of the circular is reproduced here .
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Circular No. 677 Dated: 06.09.2024
- The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. of Govt. Bank Accounts, Central Office C-7, Second Floor, Bandra Kurla Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandra East Mumbai –400051
- All CMDs, Public Sector Banks
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- Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal
- The CDA (PD), Meerut
- The CDA, Chennai
- The Director of Treasury, All States
- The Pay and Accounts Officer, Delhi Administration, R K Puram and Tis Hazari, New Delhi
- The Pay and Accounts Office, Govt. of Maharashtra, Mumbai
- The Post Master, Kathua (J&K), Camp Bell Bay
- The Principal Pay and Accounts Officer, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair
Subject:- Implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) to the Defence pensioners w.e.f. 01.07.2024.
Reference:- GoI, MoD letter No. 1(2)/2023/D(Pen/Pol) dated 04.09.2024.
A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(2)/2023/D(Pen/Pol) dated 10.07.2024 and GoI, MoD letter No 1(2)/2023/D(Pen/Pol) dated 04.09.2024 on the above subject are forwarded herewith for information and necessary action which are self-explanatory.
2. The above Government letters have been issued to implement ‘One Rank One Pension’ (OROP) revision for Defence Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in continuance to earlier Govt. orders on the subject dated 03.02.2016 circulated vide this office Circular No.
555 dated 04.02.2016 and GoI MoD letter dated 20.01.2023 circulated vide this office Circular No. 666 dated 20.01.2023. All the implementing instructions mentioned therein shall equally apply on this order until specially specified herein.
- The revision of pension in terms of the above Government Orders shall be effective from 01.07.2024, and payment of arrears accrued on account of revision of pension, if any, shall be made accordingly.
4.1. The provisions of this circular do not apply to UK/HKSRA/KCIOs pensioners, Pakistan and Burma Army pensioners.
4.2. These orders do not apply to Reservist Pensioners.
4.3. These orders do not apply to Pensioners in receipt of Ex-Gratia payments.
4.4. Pensioners retired, on or after 01.07.2014 i.e. after OROP w.e.f. 01.07.2014, on premature retirement/own request.
These orders apply to all pensioners/family pensioners who had retired/discharged/ invalided out from service/died in service or after retirement in the rank of Commissioned Officers, JCOs/ORs and Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Army, Navy, Air Force, Defence Security Corps, Territorial Army and who were/are in receipt of any type of pension (mentioned in Para 5.1 of Circular No. 555) as on 01.07.2024.
Revision of Pension of DSC
Pension of DSC personnel who are in receipt of pension for DSC service (i.e. those who are getting single pension for the services rendered both in the Army and the DSC by way of counting former service of Army along with the service in the DSC) shall be revised based on the same rates as provided for Regular Army tables. DSC personnel “Clerical Duty” and “other duty” are entitled for pension of Regular Army personnel of Group “Y”.
However, for JCOs/ORs of DSC in receipt of second pension due to their service in the DSC, separate tables have been prepared and enclosed.
Guidelines for revision of various Pensions/ Family Pensions
The appended tables indicate revised rates of Retiring/ Service/ Special/ Disability/ Invalid/ Liberalized Disability/ War Injury Pension including Disability Element/ Impairment Relief/ War injury Element/ War Injury Relief and Ordinary/ Special/ Liberalized Family Pension of Commissioned Officers, Honorary Commissioned Officers, JC0s/ORs and Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of Army, Navy, Air Force, Defence Security Corps &Territorial Army retired/ discharged/ invalided out from service/died in service or after retirement. The existing pension of all Pre-01.07.2024 pensioners/ family pensioners shall be enhanced
with reference to the applicable tables for the rank (and group in case of JCOs/ORs) in which pensioned with the term of engagement for each rank as applicable from time to time.
Where the revised pension/ family pension as on 01.07.2024 worked out in terms of these orders, happens to be less than the existing pension/ family pension as on 01.07.2024, the pension shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner.
- It is provided in Para 2.6 of MoD letter dated 10.07.2024 that the pensioners retired on or after 01.07.2014 on premature retirement/own request are not eligible for benefit of OROP.
8.1. The OROP rates are average of minimum & maximum rate of pension for a rank, group and qualifying service of live data of 2023 retirees. Wherever, the rates of higher qualifying service of a rank are lower than rates of lower qualifying service in same rank or data is/are blank for higher qualifying service then the same have been protected by higher rate of lower qualifying service, due to this many rates in same column appears equal. Similarly, wherever the revised rate of pension under this order are lower in higher rank than rate in lower rank in same qualifying service then the same have been protected with higher rates of pension in lower rank in same qualifying service resulting similar rate in some qualifying service in two adjacent columns.
8.2. The revised rate of pension shall be basic pension from 01.07.2024 and therefore, additional pension as applicable to the old age pensioners/family pensioners on attaining the relevant age (80 years and above) shall also be enhanced from 01.07.2024 or the date from which the pensioner attains the age of 80 years or more, whichever is later.
- PDAs are hereby authorized to revise the pension as under: (i). Disability Pension/Liberalized Disability Pension
- Both the elements of Disability Pension/ Liberalized Disability Pension, i.e. Service Element and Disability Element/ Liberalised Disability Element shall be revised by the PDAs as per pension rates provided in the specific tables. Tables showing revised rates of Service Pension/ Service Element for various ranks are given in Table Nos. 1 to 10.
Tables showing revised rates of Disability Element/ Liberalised Disability Element/ Impairment Relief/ Liberalised Impairment Relief in invalided out cases as well as in discharge cases for 100% disability (impairment) for various ranks are given in Table Nos. 87 to 96.
For disability (impairment) less than 100%, the Disability Element/Liberalised Disability Element/Impairment Relief/Liberalised Impairment Relief shall be proportionately reduced as per the period and degree of disablement already accepted.
War Injury Pension
Similarly, revision of Service Element of War Injury Pension cases will also be carried out by the PDAs for which specific tables indicating revised rate of pension have been provided. Both the elements of War Injury Pension, i.e. Service Element and War Injury Element shall be revised by the PDAs in accordance with the specific tables.
Tables showing revised rate of Service Pension/ Service Element for various ranks are given in Table Nos. 1 to 10.
Tables showing revised rate of War Injury Element (in invalidated out cases) for 100% disability (impairment) for various ranks are given in Table Nos. 107 to 116.
For disability (impairment) less than 100%, the War Injury Element shall be reduced proportionately as per the period and degree of disablement already accepted.
Pensioners drawing War Injury Element/ War Injury Relief in addition to their Retiring/ Service Pension (in discharge cases), their War Injury Element/ War Injury Relief shall also be revised similarly and table showing revised rate of War Injury Element/ War Injury Relief (in discharge cases) for 100% disability (impairment) for various ranks are given in Table Nos. 97 to 106.
Family Pension
Similarly, revision of all types of Family Pension viz. Ordinary Family Pension (enhanced rate and normal rate), Special Family Pension (SFP/Special Dependent Family Pension/2nd life award of Special Family Pension), Liberalized Family Pension (LFP/Liberalized Dependent Pension/rd life award of Liberalized Family Pension) cases will also required to be revised by the PDAs.
Ordinary Family Pension
Both enhanced rate and normal rate of Ordinary Family Pension shall be revised by the PDAs in accordance with specific tables. Tables showing revised rate of enhanced rate of Family Pension and normal rate of Family Pension for various ranks are given in Table Nos. 11 to 20 and 21 to 30 respectively.
Special Family Pension
Similarly, tables showing revised rate of Special Family Pension and Special Dependent family Pension/rd life award of Special Family Pension for various ranks are given in the Tables No. 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 respectively.
Liberalized Family Pension
Similarly, tables showing revised rate of Liberalized Family Pension, Liberalized Family Pension to child/children, Liberalized Dependent Pension (Both Parents) and Liberalized Dependent Pension (Single Parents)/ 2nd life award of Liberalized Family Pension for various ranks are given in the Tables No. 51 to 60, 61 to 70, 71 to 76 and 77 to 86 respectively.
Note: War Injury Element/War Injury Relief /Disability element/Impairment Relief/Family Pension is linked with Service Pension. Therefore, the War Injury Element/War Injury Relief/Disability element/Impairment Relief/Family Pension is also linked with qualifying service of the pensioners. Hence, the PDAs may revise Service Pension/Service Element & War Injury Element/War Injury Relief /Disability element/Impairment Relief/Family Pension on the basis of the rank/group/category and qualifying service of the pensioners. Rank, group and qualifying service for which the individual was pensioned are indicated in original Pension Payments Orders (PPOs) or it’s Corrigendum PPOs. In case, any information regarding qualifying service, rank, group etc., is/are not available with PDAs, such cases may be referred to Pension Sanctioning Authorities concealed in the profornza enclosed as Annexure-`A’ (both for ICOs and JC0s/ORs) to the Govt. letter. A copy of which is enclosed.
- The remaining implementing instructions mentioned in Para 7 to 19 of Circular No. 555 dated 04.02.2016 and Para 7 to 16 of GoI MoD letter No. 1(1)/2019/D(Pen/Pol)/Vol-II dated 20.01.2023 (circulated vide circular No. 666 dated 20.01.2023) shall be equally applicable in implementation of this order except the date of effect i.e. 01.07.2024.
- Hindi version will follow.
No. Gts/Tech/OROP/0183/Vol-IX (Ra Ji Mishra, 1DAS)
Dated: 06.09.2024 ACDA (P)
Copy to:
- The Dy. Secretary, Govt. of India, Ministry of PPG & P (Deptt. of P&PW), Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi.
- Director (Pensions), Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence D (Pen/Sers), Sena Bhawan, Wing ‘A’, New Delhi.
- The CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-110010.
- Director MP 8 (I of R) Integrated HQ of MoD(Army), AG’s Branch, Addl Dte Gen of MP/ MP8(I of R) West Block-III, RK Puram, New Delhi 110066.
Download PDF Copy of PCDA Circular No 677 dated 06 Sept 2024 – Click Here
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