ECHS Update : Implementation of ECDL 2024

ECHS is providing healthcare services to the beneficaries including exservicemen , their family members and other categories of Armed Forces veterans with continuous improvement. Introduction of ECDL is one of the most important initiativ to provide the essential medicines to the beneficiaries at the Polyclinics with Zero NA. After this kind of initiative, ECHS has managed the non availablity of common medicines in polyclinics. The detailed information in this regard after introduction of ECDL 2024 is rerpoduced here .

B149769/AG/ECHS Central Org ECHS, New Delhi -10

IHQ of MoD (Navy)/ 31 July 2024
Dir ECHS (N)
Air HQ (DAV)/Coord
HQ Southern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Eastern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Central Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Northern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ South Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Andaman & Nicobar Command (A/ECHS)
All Regional Centres


1. Please refer the following (copies attached) :-

(i) CO ECHS letter No B/49769/AG/ECHS dt 19 Oct 2023 regarding Implementation Directives of CDL-2023 promulgated.

(ii) CO ECHS letter No B/49769/AG/ECHS dt 14 Jun 2024 regarding implementation Directives of ECHS Medicine Formulary.

2. The CDL 2023 was introduced with the primary aim of focusing on commonly prescribed drugs and formulations to ensure maximum coverage of diseases and availability of medications. The drugs in the CDL were reduced from approximately 4500 to about 1500. Due to the extensive list of medicines, SEMOs were unable to meet the aspirations of the polyclinics, resulting in many beneficiaries not able to get their due medicines and waiting for ALC medicines or long reimbursement procedure.

3. After the promulgation of implementation directive of ECHS CDL – 2023, many representations were received for adding medicines and therefore the complete medicine list was revised. A total of 780 drugs has been added to CDL-2023. The ECDL – 2024 consists of 2227 drugs in total. This letter will be final and binding till the ECDL – 2024 is revised; which is likely in Feb — Mar 2025.

The ECDL – 2024 is dynamic, with new medicines permitted to be added based on SEMO recommendations but on approval from Central Org. Such changes will be communicated to all concerned. The following directives will be implemented forthwith :-

Cancer and Other Life Saving Drugs : SEMOs may purchase cancer and other vital essential medicines even if they are not in the ECDL- 2024. SEMOs can

use their emergency powers to procure these medications on a patient-specific basis when urgently needed. This procurement is not bulk and should only cover the duration required. Additionally, polyclinics may forward requests to add these medicines to the ECDL- 2024 with SEMO’s recommendation. This process applies only to cancer and other lifesaving vital drugs.

The above provision does not apply to combinations removed from the ECDL- 2024. As per CGHS rules, fancy vitamin combination, food supplements, or nutraceuticals should not be requested for purchase or procurement by SEMOs. The vitamins which are part of the treatment can be demanded from SEMO and also be bought from ALC

The procurement process and budgetary allocation should align with this goal. If SEMOs have any budgetary requirements for purchasing cancer and critical life saving drugs, they may project these to the CO ECHS through the command channel. A separate fund for Cancer and Vital drugs is purposed to be created and the case is being taken up.

SEMOs must adhere to the policy of procuring only ECDL — 2024 listed drugs for other medications. A forum at the Sub Area / Stn level will be convened under the aegis of the concerned HQs to periodically monitor the progress and adequacy of procurement of medicines where OIC PC, Dir RC and SEMOs will take part under the stewardship of the nominated chairperson by the GoC Sub Area / Area and equivalent in the Naval and IAF establishments.

A monthly monitoring and evaluation system will be in place to track implementation progress and measure at the Central Org based on the statistics being generated automatically by the PHARMACY MODULE.

No unauthorised drug or store, i.e outside the ECDL- 2024, will be procured as the same will not be included in the Pharmacy Module.

5  Lab reagents, X-ray, and dental equipment are not included in the ECHS Central Drug List (ECDL- 2024). The OIC PC will prepare a demand periodically in a time bound manner. The Senior Medical Officer (SEMO) may approve this list of required reagents for each polyclinic based on their equipment profile, and reagents for gifted-equipment may be procured from the ECHS fund. Similarly, the Senior Dental Officer (SEDO), in consultation with the Dental Officer, may approve a list of requirements for the dental section. Polyclinics must forward a utilization certificate for all approved reagents and dental supplies along with their demand.

6.    For the in-patient treatment of veterans, the SEMO will create a separate list of required medicines and procure them. The ECDL – 2024 is intended for medicine reimbursement from ECHS Polyclinics or ECHS extension counter in AFMS hospital if available.

7. Any medicine which is critical for patient and not available in ECDL- 2024, NA will be sanctioned by Central Org after recommendation through SEMO. The medicine will be added to the ECDL- 2024 after approval of MD ECHS.

8. The 0/o DGAFMS is requested to issue instructions based on the above for compliance by SEMOs at the earliest.

9. This has the approval of MD ECHS.

Dir (Med)

Read the original copy of the letter in pdf format from the official website of ECHS as link given here –

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